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Sessions With Dakini - View The Sessions Page For Details



Orgasm Meditation - $150.00 half hour


Couples Sessions - $400.00 hour


Beginners - $400.00 hr


Prolonged Beginners - $500.00 hr.5


Bathing Ceremony - $700.00 2 hrs


Yoni Worship with bath - $1000.00 2.5 hrs


Sacred Union with intimate body Loving 2 - 3 hours $2000.00


Learning to give to the Female White Tigress

1.5 hrs   $500.00
Receiving & giving from the Female White Tigress     

2hrs     $750.00


The Sacred Union


The Sacred Union between males and females is a natural act that determines and produces a higher quality of life.  If sexuality is practiced in accordance with the principles of yin and yang, the male will greatly enhance both his prowess and energy and the female can eradicate illnesses and restore her youthfulness.  Both the male and female can experience inner joy, live in good health, and be full of enlivened spirit. However, if they do not maintain the principles of yin and yang within their sexual activity, their bodies will suffer imbalances and be hastened toward deterioration.


The Sacred Union is never to be considered as an end in itself, as it is but part of a larger scheme designed to develop love and the natural exchange of male and female sexual energies.  All sexual activity should be embarked on first with mutual respect, love, and great anticipation; each partner must have the proper attitude and feeling to fully experience the activity.  Dakini will guides, teaches & initiates the exercises within all of these disciplines for singles and couples.


1 hr  $800.00

2 hrs  $1500.00                      
3hrs  $1800.00




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