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!!! Erotic Orgy Holiday !!!

BE MINDFULLY AWARE OF TODAY'S HIDDEN MESSAGE!!! Hey there you wondrous, willing to WAKE UP group of Lovelies! Here we go again right; just another year of shifting into the truth that rests behind Ishtar's (Easter's) yearly Sex Ordinance. Are we re-positioning our points of view on this topic grasshoppers? Well, all I know ISSSSS that this time of year gives me the competent opportunity to refresh the minds that have been manipulated THUS FAR! Anyway, I’m F***IN sick, AND, tired of it. Ishtar (Easter) IS all about rebirth on ALL human levels INCLUDING SEXUAL, AND, the parables in THE GREATEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN around Jesus’s resurrection ARE FULL of SEXUAL innuendo, no??? So tell me, why are we NOT teaching this part to our F***IN kids? That’s why I’m here Loveaaasss! I'm gonna suggest great activities for your offspring to help them grow up SEX POSITIVE in today’s puritanical society; especially with this Erotic Orgy Holiday!!! Instead of Easter Eggs, hide vibrating Sex eggs. Now, if you don’t actually have kids of your own, BUT, (if you're thinkin about havin them) wouldn't you want them to celebrate Ishtar (Easter) the LEGITIMATE way, with vibrating SEX eggs? So this Ishtar (Easter), skip the Paas, and sprinkle 20-30 of these little guys all over your yard. Not only is cleanup much easier, BUT, (jabber) your children when they grow up, AND, probably society as a Goddess damn whole, WILL thank you for NOT propagating the USELESS chaste myth that the so called slanted steeple doers enjoy pushing on Ishtar (Easter)!!! Furthermore, you ARE NOT supporting the Patriarchal Fowlocaust so ingrained in our messed up society! Hire a Goddess damn gimp instead of that Easter Bunny. Everyone Love, Love, Loves a visit from the Ishtar (Easter) Bunny, BUT, (Tee Hee) ask any occidental christian, (undeserving of a capital "c") and they’ll tell ya that Ishtar (Easter) IS all about RISING with a glorified body. Lol!!! What has a more acclaimed body than a 6’3" 230lb hairless jock with 3% body fat in a latex suit I ask you? You can keep it tasteful by making that pathetic worm wear humiliating bunny ears. Make him BE THE TABLE you all eat Ishtar (Easter) lunch off of before he gets the privilege of cleaning up your scraps. Grab him by his harness, AND, tell him he's a filthy F***IN piece of shit! He's garbage between your toes, he's lucky to have someone like you that gives a rats ass about him! Take him into the guest bathroom, AND make him organize your decorative soaps while you enter his greased up asshole. Finish on his face, AND, make him clean his F****IN mess up before joining the family for prayer!!! Play a blindfold game with your kids, BUT, (it's cummin) keep their ears uncovered so they can hear the Ritualistic Orgy from where ever they are. Now, this IS a little bit of an oddball suggestion, BUT, (with passion) hear me out on this one people! During these Ritualistic Ishtar (Easter) Orgies, it's normal to hide your youngin's in a ceremonial garment, blindfolded, AND, deafened to preserve their innocence, BUT, (again!) what if you just kept their ears uncovered? Still put them in their play space, keep them masked, BUT, (forever more) let them listen in on the collection of your Spiritual Sexual Energy as you climax together over your hired Jesus impersonators! Lettum feel the moaning of their Aunt as She gets entered by Her husband, AND, the cousin at the same F***IN time. Give them audible context to the wafting scents that permeate the air. Was that the sound of a car battery being hooked up to Uncle Trevor’s stashed balls? Pay attention here Lovelies! The pagan traditions of Ritualistic Sex, AND, child dedication to the event ARE STILL alive today, believe that OR NOT! Many traditions call it Ostara today, AND, all of these Rituals, whether they're SEXUAL in nature, OR, not, ARE in honour of the SEXUAL deities that they've been worshiping for centuries. Whatever name the SEXUAL Goddess has, She IS STILL the SEXUAL entity ISHTAR! While most Pagans who celebrate these spring festivals DON'T believe they're outta alignment in any way, shape, OR, F***IN form; the majority of society beliefs THINK they are! My bottom line today? The benefits of our FUTURE children's SEXUAL AWAKENING far outweigh any possible legal, OR, ethical ramifications. Won’t you feel better knowing you HAVE RAISED beings who aren’t afraid of their own bodies, AND, can appreciate Ishtar (Easter) for the EROTIC ORGY HOLIDAY it IS meant to be?

Erotically evolve people!


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