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Feminine Frequency Fucking

Feminine Frequency Fucking - - Gmail

What it HAS done for myself ISSSSSS? It HAS allowed me to let go of a lot of stored emotional bullshit that I subconsciously had bagged up into my Beautiful Goddess body from eons, AND, eons ago during my early adolescence of conditioned pain that I went through as a naive Sexual Woman. Here I go people! Teaching, AND, training a male partner to rhythm the gravitational Sexual connection PROPERLY when he is given THE PERMISSION to enter the Sacred Female Sanctuary IS THE MOST potent healing Frequency WE NEED for The Butterflies on this planet! It's something that I see IS STILL difficult for men to do. Why? Because all they seem to wanna do is F*** hard, AND, fast! That BULLSHIT way of practicing the Sacred Union ISSSS "The Old Paradigm" of vibration which, BTW, IS NOT sustainable in the Lifestyle of Tantra, AND, hugely TOXIC for our Girlfriend's, AND, Her Royal Highness that WE ALL walk on! The BIGGEST piece of homework advise that I have for you guys out there today ISSSSS? Simply put your awareness right at the moment of makin a Sexual Union with your Loveaaaaaa, in your lingam. Meaning what? WAKE UP BROTHER'S! What I'm pointing out here guys ISSSSS, that you're at least actively acquainted with him beginning to increase his Frequency flow. What you're doin ISSSSS elevating what is called the (hello) lingam coherence, which happily refers tooooooooo? Raising your vibrational keenness by puttin one hand on the base of your filet Mignon near your brothers' brother's, AND, clasping the other mitt over your Lovely Lasses Yoni, (key word) FOCUSING on the polarizing energy only, THEN? Take action! BUT, (with diligence) what does this Sexy scene look like here grasshoppers? Behold people! Society's system HAS trained US ALL to constantly be movin towards something; even in the Palace of Pleasure. It's just that most Sister's and brother's don't even know what the hell that ISSSSS suppose to be! Their ONLY vision for what they want to experience in the Sacred Sak becomes clear ONLY from the quiver in their crotches, ORGASMS!!!!! Sure, DON'T get me wrong; I'm all about the blessed "O", BUT, (Hoorayyyyy) what you want IS to align these two energies together; much like the intention of folding a letter, AND, snugly slippin it into an envelope. Did that vision look like common sense to you? It had better!!!! You just don't go stuffin something frantically into a hide away without meticulously making it fit properly now do you? RIGHT! According to MOI? Dialing in with the right FREQUENCY on your Sexual radio, so to speak, tops the charts of what Women NEED to experience in the Sexy Sanctuary of all Sanctuaries! THE most important requirement WE Doll Faces MUST have during Sex ISSSSS? An enjoyable position with THE slowwwwwwwwwww, EVEN rhythm Frequency. You best be goin for that quality guys, WHY? Because, if you're STILL usin the OLD technique of in and out like a jack hammer; you're KILLING Her, AND yourselves! So, what technique should you be utilizing here? Basically, the opposite of what you've seen done in the pathetic porn world! So, due to THE FACT that MOST men acquire their SEX so called scholarship from watchin the nasty's, their unevolved craft leaves a lot to be desired. From the FEMALE PERSPECTIVE, She should NEVER have "IT' hard, AND/OR, fast UNLESS She SPECIFICALLY asks you for 'IT' that way! The steady rhythm Frequency, NOURISHES Her Orgasm circuits. AND, another thing you guy grasshoppers? If you go change up the position without Her asking for that change up, AGAIN, you'll switch Her out of Her Orgasm program. This IS all about F****IN with the Feminine Frequency people!!! Listen up! The key things that identifies a brother as being a Sexual loser in TODAY'S world ISSSS? His INCAPACITY to DISCIPLINE his rhythm. A lot of guys, especially when they're Sexual APPRENTICES, go for the frenzied pumpin that they've seen on the internet, etc. The result? Most defeated dead beats WILL ejaculate before She evens counts to F****in ten, AND? Not only this, BUT, (revelation time!) sends toxic reiterations into the Butterfly Basin causing all sorts of septic emotionally behaviour, damaging spiritual experiences, AND, baneful physical health problems! Ya people, I'm F***IN serious here; BECAUSE I'VE HAD EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THESE TRAGEDIES! Look, if you men out there wanna be a Sexual healing master, AS YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE in this time NOW, for your Lady Loveaaaaa? Learn, AND, understand that you BETTER make it your GOAL to constantly use your hot beef injection to ONLY induce HIGHER REALMS OF HEALING FREQUENCIES INTO THE GODDESS TERRITORY!!! Intrusive visits into the Love, Love, Love canal IS equal to feeding off garbage; WE Queen's become malnutritioned, taking it's toll on ALL CREATIVE AREAS OF OUR LIVES!!! What this means? The polarizing of the Feminine, AND, the masculine should ALWAYS be reserved for lining up your male genital chakras WITH HER genital chakras. Yepper, peppers, we NOT ONLY have body chakra energy centers, BUT, (Ta Da!) they live in our Private Pleasure Parts to boot! Pretty F***IN complicated isn't it brother's? Leaning how to F*** all over again IS probably NOT what you signed up for IS IT? Well that's just too damn bad now isn't it? Just remember; everything you've been taught about havin Pushy, HAS been poisoning our Princesses! BUT, (there's hope) as a Dakini; I'm here to exercise my INEXHAUSTIBLE pursuits of Dakinism training's to renovate the male mind, SOOOOO you can ALL make this a SMOOTH AS POSSIBLE transformational shift!

Wanna learn more; of course you do!

Love, Love, Love your weekend Lovelies!



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