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Horny Halloween Homework

BOO!!!! Today's the day grasshoppers, to open yourselves up, AND, to see how Sexy you's can get with this little Horny Halloween Homework I'm about to pass out to ya'sl! Since it IS the evening Goddesses day and all; I’m gonna start a naughty story, AND? You faithful readers dive right in, AND, add your bit to broaden my SEXY imagination!! Look, even if you’ve never written a single word in your life before, give it a shot alright. You WILL be surprised at the brainstorms that can pour outta your Sexy suppositions!!! Add as much, OR, little as you’d like, AND, if you're brave enough? Send them on back to me, AND, spur my juices for grading your assignment!!!!

When (who we'll called Sam because his name IS unknown right now) tore off the white sheet which I had on for my Halloween party costume, the air cooled my moist skin. Wading the fabric under my arm; I drew in a deep breath of the crisp Autumn air that wreaked of Sam's Sexy masculine sweat. The leaves that hadn’t yet fallen rattled overhead, AND, through the darkness, the noise of the bonfire and the other party goers reached my listeners.

As I picked my way up the path leading to the main road, I could see the camp in the near distance; the violet light of evening guided me along. Not only that, BUT, (as you must know) a masked hunk of a man who hadn’t revealed his face, OR, even his name to me yet. We actually walked together in complete AROUSING silence, BUT, (Tee hee) it didn't bother me in the slightest. Once we reached the party though? He F***IN vanished like Harry Houdini leavin only a waft of his Sexual essence in the air! As I squinted in the dark I could see a Sexy blond with curling pigtails wearing a cheerleader costume in his arms! F***IN BITCH!!!

Just the sight of the cheerleader brought a grimace to my Beautiful face. I heard about that Chic screwing over men like Sam. I'm now a Women who came alone to a Halloween bash . I should 'ave just stayed at home, AND, sipped my red organic wine, AND, read a Goddess damn book, even if Halloween WAS my favourite Holiday of the year!

I'm now a distraught Beauty who looks better wearin a sheet with eyeballs cutouts. Hark! Sam heard the stream of traffic on the road before me, AND, turned my way. Twenty more steps, AND, I should just burst through the trees into civilization again. His look towards me felt sizzlin hot, sweaty, AND, Sexually annoying! Damn it; I came all the way down to this F***IN carousing celebration, hopin to make new friends, AND, with any luck of my own? Meet some new stud! Instead, I spent most of the night sittin on a tree stump, staring into the flames from a distance, AND, listening to the conversations around me, simply too shy to jump in.

I stepped into my mind briefly thinkin If I was at home, I'd draw a Sensual deep bath, mix with my favourite vanilla soaking oil, AND, marinate my sorry ass! Woops! My foot caught the edge of a fallen branch. The woody fingers scratched my bare shin and tangled up in my feet. As I pitched forward, a cry bursted outta me as the dark ground rushed at my face. My hands slammed into what felt like a wall. Blinking into the twilight, confusion muddled my noodle. It was certainly NOT a wall. On the contrary, it WAS a stockade of muscle wearing a mask!

“You shouldn’t be walkin through these woods without a flashlight, AND, alone,” revealed a delicious deep voice. The velvet tones washed over me, caressing my skin into peaks of gooseflesh. The heady scent of male musk worked into my beaner, confusing me even further. With a swift movement, he tore my Goddess damn sheet from my paws. THEN? I was on the ground, face down in the leaf mould, with my arms jerked behind my back, AND, my heels drawn up. As I cried out the latent man bound me with my spooky blanket like a hog!

A spike of fear hit my senses along with a debilitating shot of Sexual adrenaline! My breath rasped in my lungs as my heart knocked in my chest. BUT, (Ta Da!) when he slipped one palm beneath my cheek, AND, twisted my face to him, a shiver ran through my Goddess loins from his touch. “You're too pretty to hide beneath a ply of fabric,” he said. “This ghostly cloak HAS a different use tonight my dear, a much more worthier one, I think.” The flat of his hot hand lightly stroked my ass against the tight spandex shorts I was wearin under my costume.

A fiery gasp erupted outta (who I thought was) Sam’s throat at the first flourish of his lingam's connection between my thighs.

Happy Halloween Loveaaaassss! I'm looking forward to the ending, give it all ya got!!!!


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