Ishtar's/Easter's Cosmic Egg Orgy
Hey there followers! Well, the good ol' sanctified HOLY CRAP week IS upon us once again, right across much of the Western Hemisphere. You know, that time when kids are TAUGHT to connect Ishtar's/Easter’s Pagan origins with the Judaeo Christian belief in a savior god!!!!!!!! A STUPID connection that uncomfortably (for me) tries to tally up a giant F***IN rabbit with a crucified Sun God! Are you F***IN kiddin me; it’s a mad, ass world let me tell ya! BUT, (just to start things off) on a more confident representation; it IS another celebration weekend where Ishtar WAS (and still should be BTW) honoured in the Spring, as the Goddess of Procreation, AND, open FERTILITY! Let me lengthen the papyrus from where I left you all last year at this time; BECAUSE, there's SOOOOOOOO much SHIT to shovel on this topic, that I could punch the keyboard about Ishtar/Easter every year for you all UNTIL I LEAVE THIS GODDESS DAMN BUILDING OF MINE! April 1st marks the ancient New Year Loveaaasss, AND, was acclaimed in honour of Her (Ishtar) sacred marriage to Tammuz. She WAS also dignified at harvest time in the Fall, AND, during Yule which WAS a symbolic spell of the wretchedness She felt for Her Loveaaaaaaa Tammuz while being captive in the underworld. EVERY YEAR, on the first Sunday after the first Full Moon (that's today grasshoppers!) succeeding the spring equinox, THE (Ishtar/Easter) carousing cocktail function was contrived! It WAS our Blessed Beauty's Sunday, AND, was highly powered (as WE ALL know) with rabbits and eggs. Ishtar also herald the hornyness, that because Tammuz WAS wiped out by a pig; that a F***In pig MUST be eaten on that Sunday. Our Ancient Goddess came to be represented as the Bare Breasted Pagan Fertility Sister (you go Girlfriend!) of the east! The original Heathen Festival of Ishtar/Easter WAS actually a Goddess damn SEX ORGY (are you kiddin me, hallef***inlujah!!) that storied the return of life by virtue of the productivity of the Talented Queen's conception of Tammuz. Worshipers of the Babylonian religion lionized the musing of HER STUD on the first Sunday after the Planetoid Eve that followed the Spring Equinox. The red carpet was rolled out by baking cakes for Her Supremacy, gettin piss assed drunk, engaging in SEX ORGIES (praise the Lordess's) AND, Sacred Prostitution in The Temple of Ishtar!!!! Our antiquated Sister's WERE prescribed to take a lounge, AND, consecrate in the Chica's Chapel, by having LA LA with whomever the hell entered the sexy sanctuary! Sounds like my kinda sexy shindig!!! Our rusty brother's WERE required to leave behind the ALMIGHTY TENDER for Ishtar, AND Her Sisterhood (as they should). Babies WERE even sacrificed in the reverence of these Pagan Rituals, AND, their blood WAS consumed by the devotees. The elder's of Ishtar/Easter would kiss goodbye infants, AND, take 12 eggs (the myth of disciples) of Ishtar/Easter, as symbol of luxuriance, and die them in the blood of the forfeited human newborns, Good Goddess Almighty! Now, as for the rabbit sexy scheme? They have a tendency to multiply like; well, you know, cottontails of course! Today, we recognize that this IS due to the INSANE levels of copulation, BUT, (for the sake of TRUTH) in the middle ages, they blamed parthenogenesis. That's the reproduction from an ovum without fertilization, ESPECIALLY as THE normal process in some invertebrates and lower plants. Unable to fathom any species that would mate that much, medieval scholars concluded that (kicker here) Female Bunny's could conceive without the necessity of males. Female Rabbits (does) began to be associated with purity, AND, perpetual Virginity; with the white specie in the lead! Listen up here grasshoppers! Ishtar's cosmic egg orgy, according to the Vedic writings, HAS a spirit living within it, which to me, CLEARLY symbolized Her Creation, THEN? Her catastrophic, destructive fall, AND NOW? Her reincarnated recovery yet again! Sooooooo, with that said? I'll order up a full dozen Ishtar eggs, AND, give them to ALL my twelve Sister Sorcerers, circling around one big hot brother on a cross (hot cross buns sound familiar?) celebrating the return of his enormous lingam delivering hula hoops of cocoa spawn with enthusiasm!!!! Giant bunnies, chocolate eggs, alongside the crucifixion story of course, IS NOT found in my virtuous scrolls, BUT, (nonetheless) I do solemnize the timeworn milestone to Her cosmic perception. She's all ears people!!!! Rejoice in the memory of ISHTAR'S SEXY ORGY this weekend lovelies! oxoxoxoxo