The Horny Green Genius
Hello Lovely ones! Today I wanna share some sexy revelations by goin back when I use to hang my bikini in Costa Rica. If any of you have every been in the arms of Paradise; you'll know what I'm talkin about. I don't know about you, BUT, (movin right along) all the flourishing surroundings of MY every day view in the promise land's beauty; I often wondered why I was so Goddess damn horny all the time! Well, it just so happens that green HAS more possible connotations and symbolic uses than any other colour in the whole wide world! Green means get goin Lovelies! It's the colour of Lust, AND, it stands for an environmental movement. Everyone must know (if you grew up in the 70's) that if you ate a green M&M it'll make you horny. You all remember that right? There ARE more verdant shades of this fresh hue than any other colour in the universe. We have pale green, emerald green, jade green, lime green, aqua, olive, yellow green, AND, leafy ass grass green! Visually speaking, taking in a healthy amount of sun lite greenery WILL increase your SEXUAL DESIRE people! First of all my grasshoppers, it increases serotonin levels, which makes you happier; IN ALL THE RIGHT PLACES! Next in line? It decreases your melatonin level, AND, this my soon to be horny friends IS a good thing. WHY? BECAUSE, melatonin IS responsible for cramping up your lucky business affairs! Ultimately vitamin D, AND, the combination of absorbing that chlorophyll vividally, works to increase your testosterone level. Pretty important shit guys if you wanna drop anchor! The luminous freshness of green defines nature itself Loveaaass! Be it plushy lushy meadows or traffic lights, green IS an important colour, AND, has many associations with all Sister's and brothers. To begin with, it IS the colour of blooming dew, Feminine Fertility, and vital vegetation. It's a healing colour, which creates compassion, sympathy, AND, nurturing. Consequently, it IS often used to represent first-aid, in hospitals; imagine that! There is a creation of harmony with the body and soul, which sparks healthy relationships all around. Studies lay it on the line that this tone CAN decrease burned out bliss, blue funk bummers, AND, miserable worriment's. Our flourishing colourant represents Anahata, aha! The Heart Chakra you sexy sacred souls! There IS also weight attached to dark green; which improves concentration, AND, our vision if you can believe that one! Alright, listen up here you blissful bunch; colour you surprised with some back up! The next time you’re stuck on a work problem, OR, you’re feeling seriously yawning stale about what to make for your sexy supper, take a gander at somethin green please! That quick sighting IS enough to get your creative juices flowing, according to a unique review from Germany. Analyzers from an educational hall of green ivy in Munich asked a troop of 65 contributors for a survey to complete a brief creativity run down online. During that yardstick, each spirited bosom buddy was asked to jot down variant uses for a common object, like a tin can for instance. BUT, (tee hee) here’s the catch my comrads! Before the test, each partaker was shown a login screen that featured either the colour green, OR, the colour white. Those good sports who saw the robust coloured screens of green scored about 40% higher on the creativity test! Think twice about that Loveaaass the next time you habitually seal your surveillance balls during the grand event of SEX in the great green outdoors! The number cruncher's repeated the probing with triple doses, putting green against the tints of red, gray, and blue. Each and every Goddess damn time, our grassy growth glow proved to be WAYYYYYYY more resultant at fostering ingenuity! Soooooo, what gives here? Turns out that the visual hue of green IS tied to your thoughts and behaviours, says this study authored psychologist at the brainy assembly of Munich. Pay attention you green grasshoppers! Our beaners associate the colour green; which IS soooooo prevalent in nature, with growth and development, genuinely! AND? Just simply thinkin about growth has been shown to spur our desire for self improvement, mastering tasks, AND, enticing our SEXUAL DESIRE!!! Gettin in on these horny genius boosting benefits couldn’t be easier. Just spend some time lookin at somethin green the next time pushy presents itself! It WON'T take long; maybe two seconds of gazing at it, your libido WILL rise to the occasion! It's the time of year people, to bring TONS of leafed plants to your office, paint the walls of your SEX chamber whatever green tone you Goddess damn well want! Then? Get ready to creatively swing like the Howler Monkey's through your sexy jungle life!!!
Due to being away in the Jungle next week; I am taking a sabbatical on next Friday's weekly article.
Always a delight being your sexy synergist to more pleasure! oxoxoxoxo