Sexy Smart Ass
Hiya! What's goin on you wonder wizards?? Sister's of the Sages, brother's followin along behind them; just In case you needed ANOTHER REASON to have more, well you know, here it IS!!! Havin habitual horny hangouts makes you long haired, AND, quick witted, says an amazing dewy debate. Good F***IN news, isn't it? Gotta Love, Love, Love those researchers founding yet additional brain waves of why La, La, La ISSSSS good for US ALL! Ya see, this ISSSS why I Love, Love, Love Sexy Science. According to this VERY RECENT Sexy Scrutiny chaperoned by the Sexy Scientists at the hall of ivy in Oxford, AND, the University of Coventry, it would appear as though havin Nooky DOES a lot more than just make your Yoni, AND, lingam feel prosperous; BUT, (Tee Hee) apparently, Sex IS really gonna enhance your IQ too, ESPECIALLY as you get older! For this particular lookin into, which was published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological, AND, Social Sciences (I know, I know, Sexy name right?), the DEEP DIGGERS surveyed 73 WILLING participants between the ages of 50 and 83 about their intimate Sex lives, AND, found? Over half said that they F*** daily, 35 percent monthly, AND, the remaining 13 percent said they couldn't be F****IN bothered. So, after gathering up ALL the chapters, AND, verses about their horny hip hip horayyyy lives? The fine tooth combers assessed the Einstein function of the Lovely ones with a series of cognitive assignments, AND, constituted? Those who had "IT' every day scored an average of 5 points higher on the tasks than the Sister's, and brother's who had "IT' monthly, AND, 8 points higher than the sorry sad ass grasshoppers who chose to say F**** 'IT' altogether. Look, if ya think that a 5, AND, 8 point difference seems puny, AND, insignificant, you’re F***IN mistaken, my friends! In my world of Sexuality research, even minuscule variances ARE noteworthy! With that being said, the analyzing apples of my eyes concluded that havin a lot of Loin Lock Downs IS a treasure for your beaner! The results found that, particularly, havin regular Love, Love, Love unions HAS the biggest impact on verbal fluency, meaning??? Those who bang "IT" out often ARE better at things like namin as many nouns that begin with the letter B as they can in 30 seconds. Seriously! Also? Well, aside from havin elevated tally's in the verbal fluency task department? Sexually streaming Loveaaaaas also chalked up exceedingly in visual tests than everyone else, which included things like copying complex pictorial designs, AND, drawing things from pure memory. Scientists aren’t entirely sure what the connection between Sex, AND, intellectual acuity IS, BUT, (as you must know) they chew over that it IS likely due to the surge of hormones, AND, neurotransmitters, like dopamine, AND, oxytocin. Like Daaaaaa, no shit right? More riveting revelations? A previous nose to the grind stone found that SEX, SEX, SEX IS like a fine wine that gets refined with age. SOOOOO, when you're 70, AND, the little wrinklers start to appear? Ha, well you haven't had enough, YOU KNOW, throughout your life, AND, you damn well better fix that NOW people before those skin grooves take up residency! Another inspiring inquisition at the Oxford and Coventry Universities in England advocates that F***IN frequently boosts your Genius balls IQ. Well, whadaya know about that? 73 older Sister's and brother's scattered within the age of 50 to 83 were tested on their Sexual activity. They were asked how often they did the "IT" thing, AND, they were then briefed to perform tasks testing their intellectual function with regard to mindful memory, fluency, language and visuospatial abilities. The findings? Those who had The Carnal Knowledge at least ONCE a week scored higher on tests for imaginary objectives. Christ all mighty, ONCE a week? I must be one hell of a Goddess damn genius then!!! This CURRENT Sexy Surveyed subject IS a Xeroxed copy from the previous discoveries by Wright & Jenks, in 2016; showing that overall psychical final counts WERE consistently higher in those who ARE Sexually simmering COMPARED TO those who ARE NOT. The extension of these discoveries show increased record rates for two SPECIFIC subconscious domains. Fluency and visuospatial ability; which, for those who haven't a clue what that means, refers to a person's capacity to identify visual and spatial relationships among objects. My common sense for conclusive advise here ISSSSSSS? The more F****IN you do, the dopamine production WILL expand in your scholarly egghead. Therefor in other words? Stayin on the ball with an active Sex life WILL boost your intelligent IQ level as you season throughout your years!!! As for the impact on the younger generation? Sit your asses down, AND, have an emotion expressive session with them; your answer WILL be in the dialogue.
Stay sharp grasshoppers!