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Horny Hemoblobin

Hey you concupiscent clan! Can we say without exaggeration today that we ALL, (hopefully by this time) agree that SEX ISSSSS the secret CORE of human enthusiasm, AND, one of the main springs of life's realization itself? No matter how diligently we hide behind masks of ignorant indifference, pitiful pride, rueful rejection, OR, feigned ease in a relationship; our true desire ISSSSS to recognize the opposite Sex, OR; group of grasshoppers that we resonate with in that special way, to experience certain feelings right? ABSOLUTELY!!! You know, Senior Freud wrote a lot about that patterned influence of unconscious Sexual programmes on the psyche, AND human social graces. After many decades, what IS STILL relevant, as lying at the heart of human relationships? THE libido people! Hidden deep in the sub cortex, it determines our Sexy scheme of things, theorized musings, AND, decorum's. Very few grasshoppers have freed themselves from the influence of this predominantly unconscious trait. BUT, (Ta Da) those who have, I commend you for managing to cross the threshold of Sexual desire, AND, reach an absolutely new level of existence, in which there are NO bodily temptations at all. The rest of the UNENLIGHTENED tribe can TRY to deny their proclivities any number of times, BUT, (as you must know) the hidden Sexual attraction WILL STILL lie at the root of their life’s actions. You see Lovelies, it turns out that the composition of human blood affects tormented temperament, belligerent behaviour, style of mannerisms, tangible feelings, AND? SEXUAL COMPATIBLE CHARACTER!!!!I It determines not only Sexual taste preferences, BUT, (personal Sexual fantasies). Not only psychologists, BUT, (Tee Hee) also haematologists (Those red juice experts) refer to this compelling theory as astounding!! Even the smells of people in one clotted grade ARE similar, so it's NOT surprising (to me anyway) that we can be drawn to certain Sexual partners. Well, as you gotta know, this IS facilitated by the configuration of pheromones, something that I already scrawled out in the past. Nature HAS ensured that Women, and men with the same ruby rivers create relationships, AND THEN? They naturally wanna start to have kids if you can believe that! Look we're animals, this is how it ISSSSSS! All over the planet there ARE four main mixtures of that vital vein serum. They're designated with numerical, AND, literal symbols: O (I), A (II), B (III), AND, AB (IV). I have a lot of cards to lay on the table today, because I'm gonna cover the Doll's and the dudes for each cluster, SOOOOO crab your green tea latte people, AND, enjoy the read! Those in the 1st group ARE your typical deerstalkers, conquerors, AND, pioneers on the path of both life, AND? In the horny hallow! SHIT THIS IS ME!!! These people, as a rule, have powerful Sexual energy. They're active, AND, passionate Love, Love, Loveaaasss, who ARE used to seeking their SEXUAL partners, AT ANY F***IN COST! You gotta also remember here that eager ecstasy, AND, an urgent Sexual appetite WILL continue, AS LONG AS? The opposite partner remains unapproachable. It’s worth it for you Lovelies to understand that they ARE ready for EVERYTHING! Like blooded Girlfriends? You Sister's NEED to learn to use this FACT OF THE MATTER to your advantage, let me tell ya! Brother's in this armed assembly always want new adventures. Thoughts about Sex WILL occur about every 10 seconds throughout their stupid existance!!!!! BUT, (pay close attention) this guy will NOT always think about the needs of his Lady Bug, SOOOOO, BE CAREFUL! A ΙΙ ISSSSS a group that ISSSSS judicious, with a consistent personality. As in life generally? They ARE waiting for a treasured moment, OR, a great Goddess damn excuse! These men ARE patient, AND, carry an aura of placidity. They court beautifully, AND, are ready to please their cozy companion. They'll paint Love, Love, Love letters on the asphalt beneath your feet, under the window of passion. BUT, (watch out) because they need a CONSTANT reminder that they are Love, Love, Loved otherwise they have unreasonable grievances, ALONG WITH, fervent interruptions. Having a sweetly shy demeanor with innocent indecisiveness, AND, almost always identify Pushy with Love, Love, Love; you just might look the other way! Despite all of this? The Sexual fantasy of this introverted Loveaaaaaa ISSSSSS unusually rich, BUT, (in real life) they're reserved. Therefore, he'll either be excessively exacting to his partner, OR, he'll ignore his own Sexual desires. ALARMING ALCOHOL DOPING IS ANOTHER CONCERN!!! To brighten things up here? Lady Lasses on the other hand of things skillfully fill the house with Womanly warmth, compassionate comfort, AND, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE compliments. If this Goddess is suspiciously silent, She is CLEARLY dissatisfied! Overlook this for even ONE F***IN moment? You HAD better be ready for a quarrel with THE QUEEN!! Girlfriends with this second sanguine HAVE a reputation for being all about business, AND, non-sexual. If you're thinkin of advancing to an intimate relationship with this Bareness? You WILL be challenged, WHY? Because F***IN takes very little place in Her brilliant thoughts that's why! Still, if a man does succeed in Sexually liberating a Powerhouse Caterpillar as this, then the incredible WILL happen. She WILL emerge as a passionately spirited Pushy cat!! A man who achieves this can claim THE title of a real Sex hero that's for sure!!! The ΙΙΙ group IS made up of independent nomads, simply put? Single by nature. Men who carry this blood line ARE absolutely independent, VERY secretive, AND, have the same non-binding attitude to Sex. In fact? He thinks less about the rest of Sex, as this IS a very ordinary occupation for him not requiring any extra thought at all. With this stance towards F*** fests, a man with this third blood group can calmly talk about his adventures WITH all the details, AND, colours. On the contrary, The Bee's of this blood type ARE F***IN picky, AND tend to change their Sexual partners. Hmmmmm, I should double check my Blood type!!!! Flirting without obligations ISSSSS their favourite past time entertainment. As a rule? They DO lead an active Sexual life, VERY quickly gettin carried away, AND, losing their Beautiful beaners!! They ARE absolutely uninhibited, AND, do NOT gauge any caliber to Sex. In fact? It’s NO biggy to change a partner in an instant! This Woman IS NOT easy to give pleasure to. WHY? Because She IS VERY demanding on the quality, AND, the amount of Sex. Men who are trying to make the Golden Goddess Grade more than often DON'T understand how the hell his partner can so lightly, AND, negligently treat their efforts. GOOD LUCK GUYS; Laugh my F****IN off on this one!!! The 4th and final group consists of chameleons, capable of adapting to any type of mosaic work. Men of this group have a real talent for circling their heads. They themselves, trip right over Love, Love, Love, AND, ARE ready for incredible feats of Sexual achievement. They're violent Loveaaaas who have absolutely NO equal. For them? Sex ISSSSS solely a process for the sake of pleasure AND THAT'S IT!!! Few become husbands obviously because of this trait. They remain ONLY faithful to themselves for the rest of their sorry ass lives, WHICH BTW, IS difficult for them, if not almost impossible. BUT, (the good news ISSSS) they turn Lovemaking, AND, Seduction into a real F****IN art! SOOOOO, this type has magical magnetism drivin ALL Little Missy's to the rubber room!!! Sister's LITERALLY BOUNCE right into the arms of men with this plasma parcel, even knowing that they risk becoming the next tick on their list.

Listen to US Dew Drop of this syndicate! We're contradictory, indecisiveness, AND, constant doubts DO NOT give US rest! Sexually? Living starts late, BUT, (from a Sex stand point) they try to take the maximum, AND, completely give up simple passion. Intimate relationships are closely connected with Love, AND, not with easy flirting. She ISSSS a born Sexopathologist, AND, any man with Sexual problems WILL have his life greatly transposed by getting to know Her. The Regent Female in this platoon IS EXTREMELY Sensual, Sexy, AND, WILL easily reach HER orgasm. She basically WILL have Her Sexy Spasm with any ol' average dude! BOTTOM LINE HERE? She enjoys F***IN, AND, rude, raunchy Sexual interludes, depending on Her partner’s preferences.

Sooooo, in a Sexy nutshell my Dear's; get those blood tests!



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